5 Best Pre-Party Games you must have at your next Party

Everyone knows that the pre-party is usually better than the party and it's important to have a pre-party game that gets everyone in a good mood and good reasons to drink.

We have made a list of the year's best party games 2022. Pekleken and Jag har aldig are two classic party games that are always fun and get people drunk if they dare to answer the questions honestly.

A good pre-party game must have dirty, gross, funny, wacky and thought-provoking questions. Here are our favorites for pre-party games.

5. He who laughs loses

Best pre-party game summer 2022

Right now the Party King has a very fun and rough pre-party game. The game contains 200 joke cards, 50 tokens and a die. The rules are simple - whoever laughs loses. We recommend between 2-5 players, but the more the merrier! Many of the jokes on the cards are in the clips you can watch, but many of them are fresh!

4. I never have XXX

I never have pre-party games in 2022

The rules of this pre-party game are simple. Draw a card and read aloud and those who recognize themselves get to drink. This version contains lots of fun and dirty questions. A classic!

3. Pre-party filling card

This game is for those of you who want everyone to fill up at the pre-party. In the game there are lots of cards that will make you drink. Lots of challenges that are perfect for the pre-party.

2. Twerk Pong pre-party

pre-party game 2022

1. Pekleken pre-party

pre-party pokeleken game summer 2022

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